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Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Seven Last words

The First Word:
“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”
(Luke 23:34)

Forgiveness. That 's what Jesus meant on His  first word.  Most  of us, find  it difficult to forgive  and to ask forgiveness. We always hear the  saying "forgive  and forget". But in reality we easily say the word forgive  but  we tend not  to forget. I should say that forgiveness is  not just  a word , we  should  always think of the times  that we did something wrong, the time we need to ask for forgiveness. what if they will not forgive or they will but  they will not forget. By simply putting our shoes in others we can understand the word forgiveness. Like Jesus, may we be  humble and  forgiving to others.


Lord, May we live today as a forgiven person, opening my heart to you, choosing not to sin because the power of sin has been broken by your salvation.
All praise be to you, Lord Jesus, for your matchless forgiveness! Amen.

The Second Word:
“I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
(Luke 23:43)

Just realized how lucky  the  thief on the other cross was because he is now  in paradise with Jesus. The man is a total stranger to Jesus but he believes that He is the Son of God. There comes  Faith, when you believe in Him , it happens. Like in praying, sometimes  we think that theres unanswered prayers, but there's none because all our prayers are answered in the way that its best for us. In praying I always say "Let your will be done my Lord". There may be answers that at first  I cant  understand, but for sure at the end He is showing me the  answers. 
Paradise and Heaven...those are the names  of His dwelling place, and just like the man Jesus will take us there in our time, we just have to believe and keep our faith. But while we're still here on earth, our own homes can be a  paradise, just have to make Jesus the center of our lives and homes.


O Lord, Today I live, trusting you and you alone. My life, but now and in the world to come, is in your hands. And so I pray:

Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom! Jesus, remember me today as I seek to live within your kingdom! Amen.

The Third Word:
“Dear woman, here is your son.”
(John 19:26)

 To see her son, Jesus dying on the  cross, is a  very painful experience for Mary. The son that she loves so much  and her son that God  entrusted to her.  The death of a child is one of the most painful of all parental experiences. That any parents  doesn't want to experience. I admire Mary for her grace under pressure, She is  a mother who cried for His son but she accepted her Son's fate.As Jesus  uttered those words, its like saying that  He  is  her son  and  he embraced  his  fate because its God's will and He is not dying for nothing but to save  the  the people. And  he will always  be a  son to her that she can be proud of.
Lord Jesus, the presence of your mother at the cross engages my heart. You are no longer only the Savior dying for the sins of the world. You are also a fully human man, a son with a mother.
O Lord, how can I begin to thank you for what you suffered? My words fall short. My thoughts seem superficial and vague. Nevertheless, I offer my sincere gratitude for your suffering. Thank you for bearing my sin on the cross. I give you my praise, my love, my heart . . . all that I am, because you have given me all that you are.
All praise be to you, Lord Jesus, fully God and fully human, Savior of the world . . . my Savior! Amen.

The Fourth Word:
“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”
(Mark 15:34)

Jesus  express himself thru these words.Why had God abandoned him? Why did his Father turn his back on Jesus in his moment of greatest agony? Jesus  is also human , who wouldn't feel pain on all the physical pain and especially the emotional hurt got  from the  people. But Jesus  understands His sufferings, why He is  nailed to the cross. We are the reason that He gave His life, the reason why He suffered and died.That the Father abandoned the Son for our sake, for the salvation of the world. During Holy week, we  reviewed the Passion of Christ but we should always remember His salvation is for us. This is well explained in this verse John 3:16 ‎"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." It's unconditional love for us.
Lord,we thank you for what you suffered. Thank you for taking my place. Thank you for being forsaken by the Father so that I might never be.Thank you for your unconditional and selfless love.

The Fifth Word:
“I am thirsty.”
(John 19:28)
Jesus is thirsty, They stuck a  sponge of soaked in wine  and  raised it to His lips.  Sad to think that when He is thirsty , he  was just given  a  drink on a sponge soaked, is that the drink He deserve for saving the world?  I know  its not about the  kind of  drink that we should reflect on  to these words but the message. We are all being thirsty  from time  to time  but after  drinking , we're all refreshed. Jesus said “I am thirsty,” not only as a statement of physical reality. For us , I believe we are all thirsty with His words, let's try  to give a time on reading  the  Bible verses and  will  feel refreshed and nourished. In modern world, we  can  always subscribe  on our email and other social networking sites the bible verses. 
O Lord, once again I thank you for what you suffered on the cross. Besides extraordinary pain, you also experienced extreme thirst. All of this was part and parcel of your taking on our humanity so that you might take away our sin.
Dear Lord, in your words “I am thirsty” I hear the cry of my own heart. I too am thirsty, Lord, not for physical drink. I don’t need sour wine. Rather, I need the new wine of your kingdom to flood my soul. I need to be refreshed by your living water. I yearn for your Spirit to fill me once again.
I am thirsty, Lord, for you. Amen.
The Sixth Word:
“It is finished!”
(John 19:30)
When Jesus said “It is finished,” surely he was expressing relief that his suffering was over. “It is finished” meant, in part, “This is finally done!”  World Saved! It is a cry of Victory. again , We are the reason for  the Salvation. We must  be thankful everyday for what He  gave  us and  share  the  love. We must tell the  world of His greatest love. The sixth word means not the end but just the beginning of His greatest love. 

Lord thank you for the  gift of life  and salvation, thank you for the beginning. May we always share the greatest love you have given and taught us.
All praise be to you, gracious Lord, for finishing the work of salvation. All praise be to you, dear Jesus, for saving me! Alleluia! Amen.

The Seventh Word:
“Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!”
(Luke 23:46)

It was  now around midday, and darkness came over the whole land until mid afternoon with an eclipse of the  sun. Jesus said He was thirsty, they stuck a sponge soaked in wine to His lips and  said It's finished, and  He uttered  a loud cry and said "Father into your hands I commend my spirit".


Gracious Lord, even as you once entrusted your spirit into the hands of the Father, so I give my life to you. I trust you, and you alone to be my Savior. I submit to your sovereignty over my life, and seek to live for your glory alone. Here I am, Lord, available to you, both now and in the future.
How good it is to know, dear Lord, that the cross was not the end for you. As you entrusted your spirit into the Father’s hands, you did so in anticipation of what was to come. So we reflect upon your death, not in despair, but in hope. With Good Friday behind us, Easter Sunday is on the horizon. Amen.

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